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Video Title
Video Title
This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy.
Video Title
Video Title
This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy.
Video Title
Video Title
This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy.
Video Title
Video Title
This is a great space to update your audience with a description of your video. Include information like what the video is about, who produced it, where it was filmed, and why it’s a must-see for viewers. Remember this is a showcase for your professional work, so be sure to use intriguing language that engages viewers and invites them to sit back and enjoy.

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Kunst- und Handwerkskanal!

Tauchen Sie mit unseren spannenden Tutorials und Workshops in eine Welt der Kreativität ein, die sich perfekt für Künstler aller Niveaus und Familien eignet. Egal, ob Sie ein professioneller Künstler oder Anfänger sind oder nach unterhaltsamen Aktivitäten suchen, um Ihre Kinder zu beschäftigen, unser Kanal hat für jeden etwas zu bieten.

Was wir bieten


Lernen Sie neue Techniken und verbessern Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten mit der Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung erfahrener Künstler.

Kunst- und Handwerksworkshops

Entdecken Sie vielfältige Bastel- und Projektmöglichkeiten, die Ihre Kreativität anregen und Spaß machen.

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Art Craft Living

Treten Sie unserer Community bei und entdecken Sie eine Fundgrube kreativer Inhalte. Abonnieren Sie jetzt und beginnen Sie Ihre künstlerische Reise!

Viel Spaß beim Gestalten,

Das Art & Craft Channel Team

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Basic Creativity Package

5,99 €


jeden Monat

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Access to all drawing tutorials and pre-recorded workshops

Family-friendly content for kids and beginners

Monthly newsletter with tips and project ideas

Community forum access for sharing and feedback

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Family Fun Package

24,99 €


jeden Monat

Gültig bis zur Kündigung

All features of the Basic Creativity Package

Access to live tutorials with real-time interaction

Monthly Q&A sessions with experienced artists

Early access to new tutorials and workshops

Downloadable resources and templates

Exclusive family-oriented workshops and projects

Special content for kids, including printable activities

Quarterly themed craft kits delivered to your home

Discounts on art supplies and materials

Minimum subscription period 12 months

Master Creator Package

49,99 €


jeden Monat

Gültig bis zur Kündigung

All features of the Family Fun Package

Personalised feedback on your art projects

VIP access to special events and guest artist sessions

One-on-one virtual mentorship sessions

Recognition in our monthly subscriber spotlight

Minimum subscription period 12 months

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