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CREATIVE IMPACT: Interview with the exhibitors

Writer: artcraftlivingartcraftliving

Under the motto CREATIVE IMPACT, 15 artists from all over Germany will present two of their works each in the GRACE DENKER GALLERY from November 26, 2021, thus providing an insight into their creative work and arousing curiosity for more. The different approaches, ideas and concepts create a special, inspiring experience.

In the following article, get to know the exhibitors better and gain an insight into their artistic work and artistic concepts. The exhibitors answer questions about their artistic process, how they start and what materials they use. They also explain what influence their art can have on the world.

Antonia Oelze, Claudia Acksteiner, Cornelia Scherzer, Dieter Wolthoff, Dr. Dorothea Tebtmann, Elena Minko, Gerald Groß, Huong Bui-Peuser, Karoline Kulin, Katrin Kübler-Xanthopulos, Samira Stritzel, Sebastian Rydzak and Stephanie Bartel speak in the interview.

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Antonia Oelze

A white canvas doesn't stay white for long. I intuitively reach for colors and let shapes and surfaces emerge. I feel free in front of the canvas. Free from all obligations and limits. I don't plan anything, I just let what comes flow. For me, art is not plannable. Even when the idea is there, the result is still open.

At the moment I work mainly with acrylic, either on canvas or on paper. I intuitively choose the colors that appeal to me at the time. At the moment I have a penchant for pink and neon colors. But my color preferences change all the time.

In my collection you will find a lot of acrylic paints, as well as many different papers, stamps and pens. I like to mix everything together. My works come to life through their intense colors.

Every work of art that touches a person in whatever way, that makes them linger or let their thoughts wander, is valuable. My aim is to convey moods. To create a world for people that they can immerse themselves in for a moment by looking at it.

Claudia Acksteiner

What I aim to achieve with my creative work is what art means to me. For me, art is passionate and attentive. Art should touch people emotionally, elicit some kind of reaction in order to gain the viewer's attention. Art should question, arouse curiosity, point out and evoke fascination.

For me, art is specifically the expression of life, in the time in which man finds himself.

My pictures are created intuitively, "felt", in an ongoing process and express my feelings about various life events. I consciously choose a format and spontaneously select a color and start painting. I rarely have an idea of what a picture will look like when I am interested in a topic. When I paint, I allow myself to get involved in the creative process, paint intuitively and the picture emerges.

I prefer oil paint or acrylic paint and paint on canvas. When choosing my materials, it is important to me to achieve an intense color effect. I mix the paints with pigments and add luminous pigments. I also constantly experiment with different techniques and tools to improve the color effect.

The effect of color is very important in my finished works, as it is crucial for the effect on the viewer and on the message in the picture. I installed UV light in my studio and have called it "Dream Room 207" since 2019. In the middle there is a sofa to relax on. Interstellar music accompanies the exhibition. The glow in my works is created by night-glow pigment, the light is stored and released in the dark. The pictures begin to shine in the dark under UV light. It changes in color and effect. Then I turn off the light and only the stored light in the picture glows. It changes again in effect and color. The form "seems to dissolve". It asks the question: "What was still visible in daylight? What only becomes apparent in the dark?", "What remains?" What disappears?", "What change is perceived?" and "What feeling arises?". In the dream space, the viewer can "get involved", "take time", "slow down" and discover "the unexpected".

The topic: Pandemic of the time moved me deeply: "What is happening in the world now?" and "What will happen!" and "How are those around me, people who are important to me?", "How am I?". These questions and thoughts about the future and being human in this world brought me into an inexhaustible creative process.

I often got home in the evening and looked at the stars. It gives me hope and inner peace. I have always been fascinated by shining stars, the universe and planets and that's when I came up with the idea of painting "all" of them. I am interested in time, infinity, the unconscious, mystical, nature and the environment and people in relationships. For me there are so many valuable moments in life to share fascination and joy, so why not inspire people with shining pictures, like the stars inspire me. When there is no time to look up at the sky or the busy person has "forgotten" to take time for each other or to do what brings joy. Then it is time for each other, to slow down and look at the light.

I want to use my creative work to draw attention to the “feeling of being human!”, to “what is lost” if “we” don’t wake each other up. Or nudge each other, hold each other, share feelings and continue to ignore “what is happening in the world”. For me, that means allowing empathy, also “looking behind the facade”, “relying on your intuition” and “being honest with yourself”.

I don't know if and when my art can have an impact on the world. My art has made people in my studio "Dream Space 207" think and confronted them with different feelings. I am happy about every reaction. I hope to be able to implement my vision of creating large dream spaces in order to reach even more people in the future.

Cornelia Scherzer

My works show their own visual language, which contradicts the naturalistic copying of nature. At the beginning there is color, followed by shapes that form and dissolve. I am interested in the process. As the picture changes, subjective moods, experiences and inner images flow into it.

I use oil paint almost exclusively. I often use collages and fabric soaked in glue. Depending on the mood and the subject, different materials find their way onto the canvas.

A blank canvas is like a new life – the experiment begins!

Life is change – change is life. In my pictures I transform processes of change. Everything grows, flows, passes away and forms anew.

Dieter Wolthoff

I am a storyteller. Everyday stories.

With colors and shapes I create a harmonious composition. A melody for the eye of the viewer.

The stories arise in the mind before the stimulus of doing them sets in.

Now I begin to “stain” my clean canvas.

Only after this process do I roughly apply the theme with acrylic paint

onto the canvas. Once this is done, I continue working on the creation of the picture in the following steps using oil paint.

Most of the time, the painting process takes on a life of its own and the picture grows until it is ready to come to light and can activate the viewer's imagination.

Dorothea Tebtmann

I don't actually know if I have an artistic concept. If it's not a commissioned work, then the ideas for my next picture, my next collage, literally "bombard" me. Suddenly I have a rough idea in my mind's eye. Then I start with rough pencil sketches, and the motif gradually comes together and becomes more and more concrete. Until I have a draft that I can transfer to the canvas. Sometimes I even do color tests on the motif to see how the colors work together.

I approach my collages much more intuitively, as I am often inspired by the materials I have. I always approach a blank canvas, a blank sheet of paper or a blank collage support with respect, curiosity and excitement. When the design is on the canvas or I start putting together a collage, a concentrated calmness spreads, which lasts throughout the entire creative process. I am often so focused that I lose track of time and often don't even notice when someone comes into my painting room.

Materials for the canvas paintings are pigments, acrylic binders, acrylic paints, sometimes sand, paper or gold leaf and metal foil. For the collages I use my own pencil drawings, watercolors or ink drawings, various papers, wallpaper, metal foil, motifs from books, magazines, postcards, sometimes even old city maps. The materials have to appeal to my taste and my creativity.

In the best case, my art influences the viewer by speaking to something in them, perhaps even "striking a chord". I don't presume to have an influence on the world. My message is "look closely". Look at a face, the look of a person or animal with interest and curiosity. Perhaps you will catch a brief glimpse into their soul.

My idea of art is that it should make the viewer (but also the artist) happy and, as I said, should encourage people to look closely and train their eyes. Perhaps this will lead to people noticing and seeing the small beauties, peculiarities or amusing things that they come across almost every day. Of course, I also want to please, like every artist if they are honest.

"Making art is the bread I can't live without, but applause is the wine that goes with it."

Elena Minko

Like probably every artist, I get excited about starting the creative process - there is so much to say. I work in the abstract technique of fluid art - I believe the liquid ink technique is best suited to depict something that cannot be expressed in words - thoughts, feelings, emotions.

In a world where there is so much trouble, evil and violence, I want to bring something positive, beauty and harmony. My tools are color and shape, I mix colors, pour the liquid on the canvas and... The magic begins!

To donate a certain percentage of each artwork to animal shelters in Ukraine.

Gerald Groß

I often have finished images in my head, but sometimes I change them slightly on the canvas while I'm painting. It's like I'm in a light trance. I always have the actual image in the back of my mind. Sometimes there are hidden stories or just playing with the colors.

Due to space and time constraints, I work with high-quality acrylic paints. I like to incorporate structure as this reflects more liveliness in the picture.

When it comes to prints, I pay attention to the best quality and always in limited editions. Sometimes viewers think the prints are painted.

I invite the viewer to immerse themselves in my colorful world.

Huong Bui-Peuser

For me, art is both concrete and abstract.

By concrete art I mean certain things that I can see and touch with my own eyes. By abstract art I mean, for example, musical works that I can hear and feel inside. The greatest art is nature itself. We, humans, are the pearls of this beauty. The human body is a wonderful art in the beauty of nature. Our behavior towards things, human phenomena around us and our nature is also classified as an artistic form. A sensitive person can see art in the small details that are unnoticeable to others, e.g. in the yard, on the street, in architectural details or general landscape architecture or landscape details. And one thing is clear, however, that art is more than just a skill. It is a passion. Art is also more than just a picture. It tells a story. The fact that art is very much resigned to the human experience makes it no surprise that we have always made it a part of our lives. Some say art is boring. But it is precisely this art that can also entertain.

Raises awareness and strengthens tolerance to accept foreign cultures, no matter how strange they may seem from one's own perspective. Art plays an important role in the fight against intolerance towards other cultures and opinions, racism and other forms of social discrimination. This is also the message I want to convey through my work.

Discover that art can not only make us happy, but even when we are unhappy, art can let us know what to do.

Picasso claims: ''Art washes the dust of everyday life from the soul''

My idea of art from:

From the impressions of nature and the colors of life, I take the color from my feelings and start putting the first color on the canvas. It doesn't have to be with a brush, it can be by hand or by pouring paint, I use different methods. I don't try to force myself into a certain style, not try to create anything. I just want to express my emotions and freedom in drawing.

I usually use acrylic paint to paint because it is easier to show quick lines, dries quickly and stains can be mixed with water, can be freely blended wet and can suddenly create lines or natural areas of color, emotionally and creatively unexpected. I also like to use pencils for quick sketches or pastels on paper to actively get the desired colors as quickly as possible, so that I can keep up with my ideas and feelings in front of nature and life's impressions.

Karoline Kulin

My inspiration is the whims of nature - mostly thunderstorms and atmospheric, dramatic landscapes. The aim is to transfer complex emotions onto the canvas using only traditional materials such as oil paint and brushes. I see art as a form of expression of my thoughts and feelings. I usually have no precise idea beforehand of how my picture will ultimately develop.

I prepare a color palette and then simply let my feelings guide me, which allows the picture to develop a kind of dynamic of its own. I am not interested in reproducing reality, but rather in the dramatic design of art to bring what is hidden back to light.

At the moment I work mainly with oil paints on stretched canvas. Oil paint is a very rewarding medium if you handle it correctly - bright colors that blend wonderfully and dry very slowly, so that I can work on my pictures for a long time. I only work with materials of the highest quality, also with our environment in mind.

If you ask someone to think of a beautiful place, many will imagine themselves in a quiet, sunny spot. I see it a little differently - I see beauty even where you might not expect it.

I am fascinated by thunderstorms and dramatic landscapes.

It's the same with everyday life - grace can be found everywhere, even in the worst of times. My goal is to bring complex emotions to the canvas and evoke them in the viewer.

Beauty is complexity, not perfection.

Katrin Kübler-Xanthopulos

For me, everything begins with inspiration, an inner touch triggered by various situations. This can be, for example, the change of season with its color changes, or the beauty of nature, especially the mountains and water, or encounters with people and events from everyday life. But above all, the book of books gives me endless inspiration and ideas. When a topic grabs my attention, I become "pregnant" with it. I either "brood" over it for a while or immediately begin the research phase. This means that I collect information, photos, ideas and make initial sketches. Sometimes I start intuitively, without a real plan, and let the development process flow with the colors on the canvas. Both approaches are exciting and challenging in their own way. It is actually a bit exciting every time to stand in front of a blank canvas, start something new and only guess how it might turn out. I love these processes because they often develop an inner confrontation with myself and my creator and teach me a lot about life. And simply being able to express yourself with intense colors makes you happy.

I work with acrylic on canvas, and occasionally on paper. My favorite tools are spatulas and painting knives. I like to work experimentally and in mixed media, which means I incorporate different materials such as filler, structural paste, sand, pigments, paper, gold leaf, etc., depending on what suits my theme and underlines it. I love to experiment and always try out new tools or materials. That's why I specialized in acrylic painting, because it's so wonderful to experiment with.

I want to spread beauty, joy, light, hope and inspiration with my art. I believe that my works can have a positive effect on the viewer and the atmosphere in a room. The message of hope is behind my creative work. I want to use my art to connect people (again) with the eternal.

Samira Stritzel

For me, art means bringing my inner self outward and making it visible. That is my idea of art.

My creative process actually begins long in advance. The first impulse always comes from my heart. At first, I was my own first impulse. I had struggled with myself and my body for a long time and felt very uncomfortable and unattractive in my own skin. By putting exactly that on the canvas, I was able to experience for myself how distorted my own perception of my body was. I brought my inner self to the outside on the canvas and was able to see myself as I was, with all my rough edges. Above all, I learned to love myself again. So the process begins in advance in my heart. And then everything happens by itself: I grab a canvas, stand in front of the mirror and draw myself as I can be seen in the mirror. Completely authentic and far from any ideals. Since I am a big fan of aesthetic femininity, I usually choose colors that reflect exactly that. Lots of beige, brown tones, white and a classy gold. In the meantime, I not only bring my body & mind back into balance through my art, but I also proudly help other girls & young women through the process of self-love.

I actually only paint on stretched canvas. I like the character of the canvas and love how the paint dries into it. My favorite colors are acrylic paints. They offer almost unlimited possibilities for the development of my art and I really like the almost creamy texture. Most of the time I actually use make-up brushes to paint. Simply because I want to portray every female body as delicate and vulnerable, aesthetic. That starts with the minimum and with the brushes.

Shortly 6 years ago I moved to Heidelberg to learn my dream job - pediatric nursing. Since then I have been working on a ward for premature and seriously ill newborns. There was not much room for creativity in my everyday work. Between the exhausting rotating shifts almost every day and the night shifts that followed, I hardly had any time for myself.

To be honest: I lost sight of myself and that was my undoing. Until finally, not very long ago, I became seriously ill. Again. I ended up in hospital and fought for my life. A tear in the meninges. During this time I learned a lot about myself and am still in my personal healing process today. I couldn't walk, couldn't speak and couldn't see. I worked hard to get everything back. During this time my path led me back to my roots: to the beautiful and healing Lake Constance. Here I found myself again, here I was able to heal and rediscover my strength and joy of life. But above all I was able to rediscover one thing: my art! My path back to myself and my healthy body and mind. I learned to trust myself and my body and to love it as it is, and that was enormously important because I had completely lost touch with myself and my body.

And it is precisely this wonderful realization of unconditional self-love that I want to pass on to other girls and women (and everyone who wants to internalize it for themselves). With my art, I show our femininity in all its wonderful facets. Our bodies as they are and as they can be, with everything they have experienced and what makes them special. And NOT the female body as an OBJECT (!!), but our femininity as our own oasis of well-being with all its rough edges! Because: YOU are unique and YOU are loved. YOU are beautiful and valuable. And I thank you for taking the time. For yourself and to support my art. Love your body as it is. Just like I do. My scars are beautiful. They tell my story of when life tried to bring me down, but failed!

Yes, I have scars. A large one under each breast. A few years ago I had many large tumors in both breasts, which were then removed. And 2 years later? The tumors on my ovaries came back. You see, life wanted to keep me small. But I say: NO! I live & I love. I love myself. I love my body. What others would see as mistakes or flaws, I see as signs of my strength & story. We all have something to tell. So feel comfortable in your temple.

Love yourself, because the most important relationship is the one with yourself. Come as you are & be who you want to be. And if you want to heal, sit with me & listen to the sound of your soul.

As a young artist, my mission is to open our eyes to female aesthetics and to show us all how beautiful we are, just as we are.

Sebastian Rydzak

I usually have an idea in my dreams or in people I meet from everywhere how I should start a work and what it should look like (colors, shape, expression), etc.

I usually start with the background. The colors that match the work / idea and enable the special expression are important.

I work mainly with acrylic...but I like to use other materials that inspire me and make me want to incorporate them into the work. For me it varies, sometimes I have the background and that creates the rest and on the other hand I have a motif to which I then add the color.

My message to the world / viewer it should encourage thinking but also inspire a viewer to dream

Not all of my works are political but you discover a lot about me and my being and how I see and perceive things.

(But in the end I want to captivate the viewer; I want him to lose himself in my works and extract for himself what he feels.

Stephanie Bartel

The idea behind each of my pictures is beauty, lightness, and the ability to transport you to another place when you look at them and feel completely happy with all your senses. There is no artistic concept. I let myself be guided by nature, the environment, music, words, fashion, people and, above all, feelings and emotions.

My being, with all these factors, flows into the colours. It is simply sensual to create each picture anew. Now and then I think about whether I want to make a calm picture, lively, based on the colour chart, but ultimately everything turns out differently when I look at the canvas/wood and my colours. Then

my creativity and everything that was planned is thrown away.

I started pouring in 2019. A passion that started overnight. I love the sea and shooting stars. I wanted something individual in connection with pouring. I especially love using luminous powder. The picture "Scandic" is a continuation of an experiment of my pouring passion. Scandic is a way of life. The picture "Sea Sparks" combines my love of the sea and my curiosity about meteorology.

The materials I use in every picture are acrylic paints, a pouring medium such as Liquitex, Owatrol or Boesner. A varnish to protect the picture from Liquitex. When it comes to the materials used to mix the individual colors, I pay attention to upcycling. I use screw-top jars from food, PET bottles from detergents and reuse my wooden spatulas.

The message is, on the one hand, create with love and it will be loved. And on the other hand, do it, because you live now! Influence on the world is certainly a bit far-fetched. It is too abstract for that. But each picture is created with passion and the viewer can feel that for sure and if he sees just a small sparkle in his

eyes, that's worth a lot. The magic of passion 💙.


Duration of the exhibition: 26.11.2021 to 31.01.2022

Location: GRACE DENKER GALLERY, Hammerbrookstraße 93, 20097 Hamburg.

Opening: November 26, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.




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